Couple sitting in lounge with moving boxes

Moving House Checklist: A Guide for Australians

Moving to a new home is an exciting yet stressful time. With so many tasks to juggle, it’s easy to overlook important details amidst the chaos. To help ensure a smooth transition, we’ve compiled a comprehensive moving house checklist tailored to the Australian market. Follow these steps, and you’ll be settling into your new abode like a pro in no time.

8 Weeks Before Moving Day:

– Research removalist companies and book your preferred option well in advance. Peak moving seasons tend to get busy, so locking in your dates early is advisable.

– If moving interstate or long distance, investigate transportation options for vehicles and pets.

– Start decluttering. Go room by room and decide what items to keep, donate, or discard.

– Obtain quotes from professional cleaners for your current property.

6 Weeks Before:

– Arrange the disconnection of utilities (electricity, gas, internet, pay TV) at your old address and connection at the new one.

– Change over insurance policies and update your addresses.

– Begin using up or donating unopened pantry items that won’t be moved.

4 Weeks Before: 

– Order packing supplies like boxes, tape, markers, and bubble wrap.

– Create an inventory of valuable items for insurance.

– Put together a moving folder for all records, contracts, and important documents.

2 Weeks Before:

– Properly dispose of hazardous materials that cannot be moved, like paint, petrol, or chemicals.  

– Advise schools and arrange transfer of children’s records.

– Return library books and anything else borrowed.

1 Week Before:

– Defrost, drain, and dry refrigerators and freezers.

– Pack a small ‘essentials’ box for moving day with snacks, cleaning supplies, tools, and paperwork.  

– Confirm removalist company arrival time and draw up floor plans for furniture placement.

Moving Day:

– Do a final walk-through of your old property after the truck is loaded.

– Leave copies of keys with the new occupants or real estate agent.

– Take metre readings and make sure utilities have been properly disconnected.

By ticking off each task on this Australian moving house checklist, you’ll stay organised during this major life event. With some savvy planning ahead of time, you can have all your ducks in a row for a low-stress move into your new dream home. Happy relocating!

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